Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Episode 14 - What is a Hero? Rapunzul

So, in the comments let us know what your definition of a hero is. You could also reply to other people's comments to say whether you agree or disagree with them.


If you're not too familiar with the story of Rapunzel you can read or listen to a version of it here.


Option 1: Write an alternative story where the mother took option one when the witch offered the two options. Remember to use the clues in the text e.g. it says she would meet the wrong people, who might they be?

Option 2: Write the story from the witch's perspective. Is she a goodie or a baddie? Try to think about how she would have felt about Rapunzel getting other visitors? Why did she get so angry?

Option 3: "Everyone man needs to be a hero at least once in their life," said the Prince/Justin. Swap these stereotypical roles and write a story where the girl/lady/princess is the hero.


Share your definition of what a hero is in the comments section.

If you have had a go at one of the create tasks then share it on your blog. You could even comment below and share the link to your post with your creation. Here's a video of how to add a link in a comment.

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