Friday, September 24, 2021

Episode 13 - Is More Always Better? Jack and the Beanstalk

So, in the comments let us know whether you agree or disagree with the statement that more is always better. Can you think of an example for each? You could reply to other people's comments to say whether you agree or disagree with them.


If you're not too familiar with the story of Jack and the Beanstalk you can read or listen to a version of it here.


Option 1: Write an alternative ending where Jack goes back down the beanstalk after stealing the five gold coins (so only what he needed - not the hen and the harp). Use the clues in the text to write your ending (for example, why did they need the money in the first place?)

Option 2: Write the story from the old man's perspective. Why didn't he want the beans himself? What did he do with the gold coins? Why did he want a cow?

Option 3: In the story the giant lives up to the stereotype of a being angry and mean. Write a prequel (set before this story) to explain what happened to make the giant hate humans. You could also explain where the golden hen and harp came from.


Share your ideas about whether more is always better, with your examples, in the comments section.

If you have had a go at one of the create tasks then share it on your blog. You could even comment below and share the link to your post with your creation. Here's a video of how to add a link in a comment.


  1. I personally disagree with the statement "Is more always better" personally from my perspective you shouldn't take more than you need. You won't make friends in life if all you do is take things and not give, they won't find you very nice. You would be reffered as a greedy person who takes more than they really need. If I were the main character I would take the right amount and leaving some for other people. It is a good virtue to be thoughtful about other people and think about what the impact and situation it could cause in the future if you were to greedy and take more.

    1. Kia ora John, thanks for your comment. You raise a great point, I wonder if people who are greedy think about the consequences in the future. I would take your argument a step further and say he shouldn't have taken anything at all. If he'd have stuck to his mother's instructions they would have enough money without having to steal anything.
